19 Fantastic Foods that will Make You Maintain and Develop Muscle Mass



Muscle Mass keeps you losing weight and burning calories. Building muscles burn fats; and as your muscle mass increases, the more calories you burn, making you lose weight. Ladies, you can have muscles mass and be tone, so please don’t think you going to have big and bulky muscles. Eat this and see your muscles’ growth and development. Getting that muscle cut and showing.

1. Salmon – Salmon has Omega-3 along with high protein and protects the muscles from breaking down after workout. Side Note: Salmon does improve your memory, as well.

2. Almonds – Almond is good for recovering quick from workout. It has Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. This antioxidant does not allow radical damage, which means after workout, your muscles don’t break down. In simple term, it is protecting your muscles. The fewer radical you have, the faster it is for your muscles to recover from working out. Almonds protect the muscles and it is good for you.

3. Black Bean – Black Beans have a soluble fiber, which makes you feel full and it is also high in protein. Good for losing weight and you be tone in no time.

4. Broccoli – Broccoli has potent antioxidants and it is high in Calcium and fiber along with Vitamin C, which protects muscle mass because it is an antioxidant. People who have high amount of Vitamin C in their system are more likely to lose weight quicker. Vitamin C aids fat weight loss. It is also Potassium-rich for promoting the muscle growth. Side Note: Broccoli is excellent for brain functioning.

5. Beef – Beef is good for muscle-building and it has Iron and Zinc, which are two major important components for building muscle.

6. Papaya – Papaya has enzyme called “Papain” in it, that helps break down proteins you eat, so you can absorb it easier. It makes your body more efficient.

7. Cottage Cheese – Cottage Cheese has that Whey and Casein, in it which is good for stimulating your muscle growth.

8. Ginger – Ginger can be spicy, but it is good for relieving muscle pain.

9. Chicken Breast – Chicken Breast has low Saturated or Trans Fat, which is good for the body. Keeping it look lean and mean. Of course, it is high protein.

10. Mussels – Mussels are good for repairing hungry muscles and it is high in proteins. They are low in Fat and have Vitamin B12 and Selenium, which are good for muscle growth and protecting your muscles. Selenium, in the other hand also, has antioxidant which protects the muscles from breaking down.

11. Yogurt – Yogurt is good for after workout. It is also a good muscle-building and muscle recovery meal. Yogurt has CLA (Conjugated Linoletic Acid), in it which helps reduce fat.

12. Sweet Potato – Sweet potatoes are Complex Carbs, which means, it has Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants in them. They have B vitamins that is good for your post workout meals.

13. Eggs – Eggs has Vitamin B12 for breaking down fats and muscle contraction. It has Vitamins and Minerals that keeps your body healthy. Side Note: Eggs has “Lutein” and “Zeaxanthin,” which are good having healthy eyes. They are potent antioxidants, which is good for the retina in your eyes. The potent antioxidants are in the egg yolk.

14. Apple – Apples are delicious, but not only that, they are superb for muscle-building and excellent post workout meals. Rich in Carbohydrates, Fiber and Electrolytes. All good for your body functioning right and looking vibrant.

15. Banana – Bananas are rich in Potassium, which is good for cramp reduction; and they are also good pre or post workout meals. It also has potent antioxidants for protecting your muscles.

16. Oatmeal – Oatmeal fills you up and feels you up longer, because it is high in fiber. Oatmeal is good for keeping your overall body healthy, especially muscle-building.

17. Raspberries – Raspberries are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Antioxidant helps protect your muscle, while fiber helps build your muscle. Side Note: Raspberries being rich in fiber is good for weight loss and good for the eyes.

18. Oysters – Oysters has Zinc, which is good for elevating the testosterone level in your body. Testosterone is good for losing fat and building muscles. Oysters are good for muscle replenishment. Of course, high in protein. Side note: Yeah, females does have testosterone. Males has estrogen, as well. Oysters are good for promoting your cognitive functions as well as how you feel.

19. Lentils – Lentils are high in fiber and minerals. They taste good, if you cooked them right and they are cheap. They have good carbs that are slow burning. If you are doing a long workout, having lentils in you will push you through it. Lentils also replenish all your lost nutrient throughout the day, especially from your working out.

foodTry some of these foods out and see the results it will have in your body. I try some of the foods I mentioned on here and I lost weight. Yeah, my body was feeling good. These food are good for the body and they keep you healthy. Go for foods high in Fiber and Antioxidant, so you can protect your muscle and sustain energy through out the day. I provide you with the ample foods to choose from, so if you want to lose weight…get your muscle up, DO IT. Getting your muscle up allows you to lose more weight, so start that weight training or  body weight training. Get your body right. Get healthy. Eating food for the muscles and aiding fat loss for looking tone and adding muscle to your features. Keep working out. Flex those muscles.

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7 thoughts on “19 Fantastic Foods that will Make You Maintain and Develop Muscle Mass

  1. Nusrath Sariffo'deen

    Thank you so much for this! I hope it works!

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  2. Nusrath Sariffo'deen

    Do I have permission to reblog this? I have a separate category for reblogs on my blog.

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  3. […] Source: 19 Fantastic Foods that will Make You Maintain and Develop Muscle Mass […]

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  4. We have lot of papaya here in our place gonna utilize those thank you for this blog. By the way how do I incorporate ginger in my meal?



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